What is The Mark 10 Mission?

The Mark 10 Mission is a project created to share the Gospel with school children and lead them to encounter Jesus in a powerful and personal way. The team at The Mark 10 Mission create 15-minute virtual liturgies to share the Sunday Gospel each week. This gives class teachers a high-quality, ready-to-go liturgy. We know that every time we stop to pray, God is waiting to meet us. We don’t want to create resources which tick a box, we create content which engages children in prayer and leads them into deep personal encounter with God. This sort of prayer changes everything!

Each liturgy contains a Gospel reading, a short reflection, guided prayer time and a worship song. Depending on the school setting and age of children, teachers may choose to pause the resource and ask children to lead parts of the liturgy. Below are some suggestions on how to use the resource effectively.

Before you begin

  • Allow the children to settle and inform them that this is a special time for prayer, just like when they are preparing themselves for Mass or a worship assembly.

  • You may wish to alter the lighting, use candles and create a focal point. Your focal point should include an open Bible, candle, crucifix and a cloth in the appropriate liturgical colour.

  • You may choose to lead a prayer, such as the school prayer or traditional prayer, before pressing play.

During the session

  • As you become more familiar with the format of the videos, you may wish to invite children to lead some of the liturgy. You could for example, press pause and ask a child to read the Gospel or lead the guided prayer.

  • Feel free to press pause during the guided prayer section if you feel that the children would appreciate more time.

  • After the guided prayer, you may wish to ask children if they have any specific prayer requests that they would like others to pray for.

At the end

  • You may choose to ask children how they feel about the content or the ‘Mission’ set that week. Some children may already have ideas about how they could complete it.

  • This would be a good time to ask children what they experienced during the prayer and worship time. If you use prayer journals, they could make a note of their experiences or what their prayer contained.

  • You may ask children if they have any questions or if they feel challenged or excited by anything they heard or experienced.

  • To print out the weekly Mission, visit our ‘Missions’ page.